Sunday, January 3, 2010

Things that I could not get rid off..

I do not know about you but I always have items that I will use till death. It is not I am a cheapskate but if I found the items still ok and function well I will utilise them till kaput.There are few items that fall in this 'use till death category'. These are the items:

1. Microsoft's Optical Mouse.
I have bought this mouse in Cardiff's Queen Street Dixon for almost 40 quid in 2004. Kinda expensive when you converted the currency to RM (1 quid = RM7 back then).I bought this mouse to replace my free wireless mouse given by NEC when I bought my first laptop. This mouse outlives my NEC laptop and now working well with my Dell Inspiron.It has been dropped almost million of times and the wire is dodgy looking but somehow the mouse never dissapoint me.

2. Aiwa's 14 inch colour TV
Nowdays when we talk about TV these words are mentioned: HD,flatscreen,LCD,plasma etc. The one I have is a common CRT TV bought in 2002 after getting my first bonus.
First bonus of my working live. The Aiwa serves me well. While I was abroad the TV was adopted by my elder brother, being utilised mostly for playing PS2. Till today the tv still superb. I am not really the TV addict therefore TV with all free channels and can be connected to my DVD player suits me well.

3. All my concert t-shirts
I have paid a lot of quids to attend the concerts and a lot of quids to buy the merchandise.Enough said.

4. Laundry basket
There is one particular Toyogo plastic laundry basket. I bought it in 1999 and now it is still the place where all my baju kotor enroute to washing machine thrown into.
Almost 10 years but still OK.

I have a few more items but it seems that I could not put my thoughts into words.Therefore I end my writing here.


  1. Ok for the t-shirts, my size is M. Hulurkan tangan ringankan beban. Errr.. sesuai ker? lols.

  2. The Bon Jovi shirt with Bon Jovi signature, yes his signature on it, is now being worn masa memasak by mum! Nasib baik mak.

  3. Alamak Encek Hazrey, size kita sama tapi saya takleh sharelah..syg sgt..adik beradik lain pakai pun kena marah.
    Gila cool mak Encek Hazrey pakai baju Bon Jovi..Rock ooooo
