Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dear friend...

I just had a short conversation (can chatting in FB considers as conversation?)with an old friend of mine.
She was and still a friend that I can consider as one of my closest.
She was my housemate and her husband was my classmate.
They are good person.
They are blessed.
Married and 2 children to complete them.
As a friend, I am truly happy with what they are having now.
We have not been in touch for these past years.
Commitments from both sides are lacking.
As for me, I am busy running my dysfunctional life.
For her, career,family and all.
Our locations are so far from each other is also one of the reasons of not getting in touch.
But once and a while, through the wonder of social networking site, we are able to share stories.
We change news but somehow the story will always come to this one particular territory.
I know her intention is good but somehow I find it very obtrusive.
And it makes me upset and trigger my the defence mechanism that is being reflected by indication of sarcasm.
In short, I start being rude.

Dear friend, I want to make myself clear.

Do not pose such questions and assumptions.
I am not a career women since I am currently looking for a way out of my mundane career.
I am still looking what life has to offer.
Yes, we are getting older but you have to remember that we are only living life on earth once.
I want to live life without regret.
I chose to be what I am today is because this is what I want.
This is my choice.
If you think that what I have chosen is very miserable, please let me be.
I am a big girl, I know how to take care of myself.
If I need help, I will definitely ask you.
Please let me be.

I am really happy with what you have.
I know that you want me to have the same thing that you have.
But I might not want what you have.
During the last meeting that we had, I might want what you have.
Somehow people change, priority change, situation change.

One thing for sure, I am really happy for you.
I am really happy for things that you had,have and will have.

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